What is Stable Maintenance™

Stable Maintenance™ is a maintenance operating system that concentrates on understanding and eliminating variation in the technical availability of your assets. In a traditional plant operation, a major part of all maintenance activity is directly or indirectly aimed at the effects of variation – finding fixes for it, not removing it. In Stable Maintenance™, the focus lies on the elimination the causes of variation and the creation of time for people to make the technical availability more reliable and predictable. Stable Maintenance™ changes the culture and the DNA of all people involved in maintenance processes. From maintenance strategy to execution and the continuous improvement. This results in a more productive plant with assets always available to produce quality products at the targeted rates.


The impact of Stable Maintenance™ is felt throughout the production and maintenance organization, inspiring all staff at all layers. The effects of improved asset availability go beyond benefits of your maintenance department. Asset Reliability and Predictability impact your organization as a whole, causing a slipstream of additional benefits like productivity, service levels and predictability.


  • Asset availability & reliability without additional budget and/or costs.
  • Maintenance service levels that creates clear service priorities and provide transparency in line with operation’s needs.
  • Labour productivity improvement while people work when processes don’t. Stable Maintenance™ connects management and all employees involved in maintenance processes. From strategy to execution.

Stable Maintenance™ is one of the management systems R&G offers to improve your Return on Capital Employed (ROCE).
Implementing these three methodologies will result in excellent business performance.

Stable Maintenance

Stable Maintenance™ is a joint development of R&G Global Consultants and PDM Industrial Excellence.

R&G Management systems