What are Data-driven discovery workshops

Want to explore what Data-Driven Leadership can mean for your business, without commissioning a full review? Our 3-day workshop programmes give you a taster of the possibilities, based on your own operation and its data.

On day 1, we get to work digging into your dataset, with a laser-sharp focus on detail.
On day 2, we share our findings with your management, business or analytics team. This takes place via an interactive analysis session in which we apply our unique capabilities to unlocking your data goldmine and revealing the insights relevant to your business. Together, we take a completely transparent view of the findings from different perspectives, then discover how to bridge these perspectives with data to enact change through shifting your process performance paradigms, using granular insights based on process variation.
On day 3, we draft an action plan for moving forward with implementation of Data Driven Leadership in your organisation.


Key questions that can be answered in a DDL workshop are:

  • Is our process performing to standard?
  • Which process deviations are visible from the current dataset?
  • How much improvement opportunity is visible from current data?
  • Where are the bottlenecks in our current operations?
  • Are our KPIs fit for purpose?
  • Does our dashboard support effective decision-making?


  1. Leadership and Teams connect around a single shared digital view of the Business Process.
  2. Quantification of high-level insights into shared needs and improvement opportunities.
  3. A swift kick-off for building Data Culture and Data-Driven Leadership in your organisation.