Banking & Insurance

From the experience in Financial Services at GE Capital to the work at major European banks and financing companies, R&G’s senior consultants know how to best apply and customise the process improvement and change acceleration strategies learned in industry to the banking world, to increase conversion rates, customer face-time, response times and back-office capacity among others. Our experience ranges from sales force effectiveness to client response time to monetary and flow processes and systems improvements. Mastering the language of our banking clients is as important as excelling in the improvement and change methodologies that the banking world needs so much today.

How can R&G help

Bring a new focus and orientation to improving customer-contact processes. Bring data and quantification to marketing operations and investment decisions in marketing expenses. Improve the conversion rate of deals. Predict the risk ratios.

Biggest impact

High volume transactional processes must have process management to be successful.

  • Back-room operations efficiency drives the cost.
  • Process compliance manages the risk and
  • Deal initiation process determines revenue.

R&G has extensive experience in all three areas in both structured and commercial finance.