Your business needs

Companies who have worked hard to optimise their own processes often still struggle to capitalise on this because of suboptimal workflow with supply chain partners.

This is because although you’re all working to the same end goal, each organisation has its own processes and business rules, with different data definitions and KPIs. This makes it almost impossible to attain the end-to-end real-time process visibility and transparency necessary for managing volatile demand and ensuring on-time delivery.

As a result, communication, registration and monitoring of changes and updates between supply chain partners is cumbersome. The ability to predict changes and create improvement strategies for Inventory management, Warehousing and Transport route optimisation, all of which are so key to competitive advantage, is non-existent. Lead times are long and managing the boundaries between different organisations is expensive. An inside-out management perspective tends to develop which ultimately does nothing to improve serving the customer.

Supply Chain Leaders desire better connection between supply chain data sources and the ability to unite around a shared view of insights. But how do you achieve this when every organisation is a separate entity playing by its own individual rules?

Our answer

You and your supply chain partners are already united in your intentions. We enable you to fulfil these by uniting you all around your data. We’ll bring you together to discover how to manage your boundaries and resolve the conflicts between your definitions, KPIs and processes. We’ll facilitate communication between Leaders so you all speak a common language and agree on compatible practices.

At R&G, we’ve got plenty of experience in establishing optimal connectivity between Manufacturing, Transport, Logistics, Warehousing and Route Optimisation. And we are truly familiar with the sensitivities which prevail in the supply of food and chemicals, including the need for dynamic pricing and other forecasting and optimisation methods.

We’ll align all partners in a data-driven supply chain to achieve productivity gains, deal with conflicting KPIs, shorten lead times and deliver the products or services concerned on time in full (OTIF) through instilling Data-Driven Leadership everywhere it’s needed.