Author: Aart Willem de Wolf

cliff hanger Blog
So you think you’ve mastered data-driven leadership?

I recently spent a couple of days at the Manucore Manufacturing conference,…

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growing plant on coins Blog
How to integrate productivity targets into your budget

Recently, we set a record with the formation period of our new…

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White paper
Asset availability: a leadership paradigm? Is your attitude to maintenance holding back your progress? Maximizing asset availability... Read more
two thick walls with an opening in between where light is behind White paper
Big data? Big deal! From analytics and reports towards real business impact Few people question the... Read more
Image of businessman in blindfold standing on edge of mountain Blog
Supply chain performance and customer experience: truth or illusion?

We often only hear what we want to hear and see what…

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Blog stable maintenance Blog
Stable Maintenance: is your maintenance department a hidden factory?

Your products face cost competitiveness in the marketplace. Costs of internal maintenance…

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Calendar mark with Pay suppliers Blog
Three payment process insights that prevent bankruptcy of your suppliers

Recent research by fintech Ormsby Street into payment behaviour reveals that many UK…

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White paper cover Are you the weakest link in your supply chain White paper
Are you the weakest link in your supply chain? What you don’t know about your supply chain Increasingly, your supply chain... Read more
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